Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Chilli Pizza

I've been dying... D.Y.I.N.G. to have Zizi's pizzas for a LONG LONG TIME.

I'm sure most of you would've heard me whine about them by now!

One day, I couldn't take it anymore and so I whipped out my frozen bread from the freezer (yes, that's how I keep my food since it takes me 3 months to finish a loaf), defrosted it slightly in the toaster while I chopped up my fresh chillis (which were not-so-fresh since they were a week+ over due date) with pure excitement.

If I can't get that Zizi pizza. I'm gonna get A pizza.

Watch me.

Defrosted bread slice? Check.

Chillis? Check.

Sundried tomato paste? Check.

Note: Stay away from what stores call "pizza tomato base sauce" or whatchamacallits.

They're rubbish.

Just stick and invest in a pot of sundried tomato paste - the flavour is fuller and it's just divine. I always keep a pot in my fridge.... Even if it takes me 3 months to finish it!!!

Spread tomato paste onto bread; lay chillis out neatly; place a slice of mild mozzarella cheese (or any cheese you like) and pop it into the oven until it looks like this:

Fabulous!!! Who needs Zizi's now!?!?!??! Huh huh???

Now dig in.


So good.

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