Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Chilli Pizza

I've been dying... D.Y.I.N.G. to have Zizi's pizzas for a LONG LONG TIME.

I'm sure most of you would've heard me whine about them by now!

One day, I couldn't take it anymore and so I whipped out my frozen bread from the freezer (yes, that's how I keep my food since it takes me 3 months to finish a loaf), defrosted it slightly in the toaster while I chopped up my fresh chillis (which were not-so-fresh since they were a week+ over due date) with pure excitement.

If I can't get that Zizi pizza. I'm gonna get A pizza.

Watch me.

Defrosted bread slice? Check.

Chillis? Check.

Sundried tomato paste? Check.

Note: Stay away from what stores call "pizza tomato base sauce" or whatchamacallits.

They're rubbish.

Just stick and invest in a pot of sundried tomato paste - the flavour is fuller and it's just divine. I always keep a pot in my fridge.... Even if it takes me 3 months to finish it!!!

Spread tomato paste onto bread; lay chillis out neatly; place a slice of mild mozzarella cheese (or any cheese you like) and pop it into the oven until it looks like this:

Fabulous!!! Who needs Zizi's now!?!?!??! Huh huh???

Now dig in.


So good.

The Beggar's Answer to Croque Monsiuer

Everytime I visit Pat Val, I'm always so tempted to have their Croque Monsieur.... But it's TOO large a sandwich for me to finish and so payin 5quid for half a sandwich just never seemed worth it.

Which explains this beggar's answer to the Croque Monsieur.

I don't think I need to say much 'coz the pictures themselves will speak a thousand words....


Look at the cheese! Mmmm.

For my version, I used mild mozzarella slices instead of emmenthal or gruyère cheese (a much cheaper and healthier alternative I assure you) and replaced the ham slices between the bread with spinach (just coz I love spinach so! And am not a fan of... Well, meat).

Not usually one to praise my own cooking (since I hardly eat what I cook), but DAMN, this was GOOD.

So good, I suggest you try it too! xoxo.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

My 1st ever English Tea Party (pretty dresses included)

The elections for UBLC (University of Bristol Law Club) are underway and campaigns are in FULL force. Just check out our Law boards and you will understand what I mean.

This year, is special because 2 of my favourite people in law school are running for the elections!

Hena for President and Leen for Vice President.

Honestly, if you've met these 2, you'll understand why I'm a big fan of theirs. Cheery, bubbly, spritely, caring, sincere and so down to earth. So when Jas decided to throw a tea party in honour of their campaigns, I was thrilled!

So thrilled, I baked 2 cakes.

Haha. My twist on the victoria sponges.

Just out from the oven and dusted with icing sugar!

For Hena, the first thought that came to mind was peanut M&M's. I don't know why - maybe it's the yellow packaging; the peanuts and the friendly vibe I get in general from peanut M&M's (ONLY peanut M&M's).... Well, whatever it may be, it inspired a chocolate victoria sponge.

Whipped cream, chocolate sauce and dark chocolate chips.

Leen, on the other hand, is pink-lady defined. I remember she told me that her favourite colour is pink once and so I added a good dash of pink colouring into her cake! Unfortunately, as the cake browned when baked, the colour didn't show! Hahahhaha!

I should've considered that when I decided to add the colouring! Lolz!

Nevertheless, jam is red and is a couple of shades darker than pink, and like pink and Leen, is sweet and fruity and delicious! So for Leen, I was inspired to do a classic victoria - with strawberry jam. Mmmm.


I had to walk over to Jas's place for the party and so saved the final touches to the end..... I.e. the Smarties.

Finally dressed and ready to be eaten!


It was a lovely tea party. It reminded me of Alice in Wonderland... Just minus the madness.

AND... My favourite...

Such an awesomely cute teapot!!!! XDDDD <3!

Of course, there was no shortage of beautiful/gorgeous people...

AND... *drum roll*


Heee heee heee

Peace Dude.

Gah! I had such an amazing time! More tea parties PLEASE!

(Though note to self: No PJs next time! XDDD)