Friday, August 7, 2009

Blueberry White Choc Chunk Cookies


I discovered something really interesting while back in Singapore - Toaster ovens make pretty good substitutes for a normal oven when it comes to baking cookies.

I found out while staying at my mom's and conveniently short-circuiting the entire house coz I didn't know that our oven was faulty. With a large ball of dough sitting in my bowl, I figured I'd try toasting it in the toaster oven!



Armed with this knowledge (new to me, though I'm sure many of you out there already knew this secret), I gave in to the baking monster lurking within me.

I woke up one morning and all I could think of was "BAKE BAKE BAKE BAKE BAKE BAKE BAKE BAKE BAKE Cookies!". I swear it was a silent but incredibly powerful mantra. The next thing I knew, I was breezing through the aisles of supermarkets and throwing stuff into my basket. Did you know that it's easier to find Coffee Extract than it is to find Vanilla Extract, which is a staple in baking? Omg I had to sift through 3 supermarkets before I found it... And yep, as all things are in Citysuper, it was MAJORLY overpriced.

I came back, threw the stuff into the bowl....

The white chocolate chunks actually look like cheese here.... Hm. Cheese cookies. I wonder....

And popped them into the toaster oven for them to poof up and bake nicely. NYOM.


Aren't they pretty?

Blueberry White Choc Chunk Cookies! I'm really proud of this batch since I made it all by hand and even chopped the white chocolate myself! Yaay!

Gah. Love baking! Next bake fest ---- Russian Cherry Teacakes!

Watch out folks! Callie G. is back and armed with a toaster oven that BAKES!

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