Sunday, February 22, 2009

Kyle in the kitchen.

I've been in a baking frenzy lately. *chuckles* I can't help it I guess, I've been so 'baked' deprived that I'm just loving every moment of this realisation. Not only can I bake in Bristol, I actually do have enough time to bake in Bristol.

It's an amazing epiphany.

Anyway, so Kyle suggested baking a crumble dessert for a post-FUZE celebration of sorts and I, being the ever crumble-lover, jumped on the project eagerly! (How can anyone ever say "no" to crumble?)

Between Kyle and myself, we made a delicious apple blackberry crumble..... And as usual, it was heavenly delicious.

The said baked crumble.

Look at how gorgeously bruised the blackberries are and the apples absorbed most of its juices.... *sighs happily* Delicious!

Nope! Crumble didn't stay whole for very long! Between Azwan (my other flatmate), Kyle and myself, we demolished 1/2 of the crumble in 10mins!


That was so good.

And yes ladies, Kyle is in the kitchen.

Go on, you know you want some. ;)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

bake for me one day pls. XD